Ravi Bhaskaruni

Career Coach, Mentor, Agile Coach and Trainer

Services Offered

Career Review Guidance & Mentoring
Resume Editing/Linkedin Editing and modifications
Tips on Job Search
Agile Training/Coaching
Coaching on Project Management
Mock Interviews by domain expert

Ravi's Profile

Ravi Bhaskaruni, known as the Agile Guru, has made a significant impact on students and communities worldwide. With a background as a graduate engineer, he is deeply passionate about career coaching, mentoring, and motivating individuals from all walks of life.

His career has been marked by versatility, having served in crucial roles as a Project Manager, Program Manager, Scrum Master, and Agile Coach. He has left a positive impact on lives at every stage of their careers. As a vivid blogger and influencer, he uses his platform to share valuable insights and industry trends.

Courses Offered



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